If you find any of them helpful, please leave a comment. And if you use them at all, please let me know!
They all received between a B+ and A grade, the thesis itself receiving an A.
Apologies for any formatting issues - if you would like a OpenOffice, Word or PDF version, please ask and I'll be happy to send them.
Fall 2005
John's Word - Biblical Foundations
Evil Sins - A Critique of Herman Dooyeweerd's Concept of Evil - Reformational Philosophy
Evil Relations - An Experience of the Trinity - The Divine (at) Risk
Evil Times - An Ecological Critique of the Doctrines of Individual Salvation, Dispensationalism, Creationism and Obliterationism - Christianity and the Ecological Crisis
Spring 2006
Reforming the Bible -Postmodern Canonicity - Inter-Disciplinary Seminar: Dialogue and Difference
Opening My Other Eye - Postmodernism and the Diversity of Religion - Postmodernity
CreatorCreation - Boundary and Distinction - GodSexWordFlesh & Postmodern Post-Freudian Psychoanalysis
Fall 2006
Why The Tortoise Can Fly - Knowledge as Mythology in Allen, Ansell, Moltmann and Swimme - Inter-Disciplinary Seminar: Art, Knowledge and Life
From Ground to Ocean - (Ful)filling the Abyss - The Ground of Be(com)ing / The Horizon of Hope: Creation, Time & Eschatology
Spring 2007
Jesus Divines/d (God) - Christological Godding - God Inc.: Christology/Humanity/Incarnation
The Big B's - Guided Reading
Fall 2008
From Ground to Ocean - Robinson and Keller at the Beginnings of Divinity - MA Thesis
If you wish to receive a copy of my thesis, I am more than happy to send it to you. Please leave a comment with your email address and I will send you a copy (you can immediately delete your comment if you are afraid of spammers - I receive a copy of the comment by email as soon as it is posted).
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