Saturday, December 2, 2006


Google has found me! It's proven: The plaosmos exists!


  1. Yes, because so many people are going to be searching "plaosmos." ;) Just kidding, that is always exciting. My favorite is when you begin to see what searches bring in the most traffic. Mine is still "Charles Jennens" by far, though today I was exicted to see that my blog is pretty high up in a list of searches for "babel."

    So if you have any thoughts on the last Keller chapter, please let me know, because I've been staring at a blank computer screen for hours. I have nothing to write about it.

  2. Hmm, I guess there won't be that many doing that search. Which reminds me, I need to add that site tracker.

    Fraid I'm just getting to Keller now, so I won't be helping at this point I don't think. Sorry.

  3. I like existence. Glad you have found your way.

  4. Wow! According to sitemeter, someone got to my blog searching for 'chaosmos'. That's pretty amazing, and quite close to plaosmos. Just saying.

    They were in Japan tho...
